(See the bottom of this webpage to contact the author / owner of this website).
Dedicated to my wife, Michi, of many years. Without all your tireless efforts, there would be no weblog.
Dedicated to my wife, Michi, of many years. Without all your tireless efforts, there would be no weblog.
Brad Chapline's
"In Opposition"
"In Opposition"
rated **** of ***** stars
An Exception To The Rule
An Exception To The Rule
"In vanquishing my past seemingly insoluble conflicts, I solved those complexities over a period of time by vigorously cutting through a Gordian knot."
>B. Chapline<
June 2024
"Deluding an aggressor becomes a necessary defense when feeling coerced."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
>B. Chapline<
June 2024
"Deluding an aggressor becomes a necessary defense when feeling coerced."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
Unless otherwise stated, every effort has been made to keep all story-lines factual. However, there could be unintentional errors due to human memory over the extreme passage of time.
>B. Chapline<
June 2024
>B. Chapline<
June 2024
independently created, developed and owned
Bradley Chapline
(warning unexpurgated)
independently created, developed and owned
Bradley Chapline
(warning unexpurgated)
"Being a writer can be quite appealing, especially when it is used against an adversary for evidential transparency."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2023
"It's said I'm much more dangerous holding a pen than having a gun in my possession."
>Creative Writing Instructor<
Jul 2006
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2023
"It's said I'm much more dangerous holding a pen than having a gun in my possession."
>Creative Writing Instructor<
Jul 2006
The true story behind the loss of Brad's full length non-fiction book entitled:
"The Eye Of Madness"
"The Eye Of Madness"
Picture taken in 1987
My first and only book, a likely sensation, was completed in 2011. "The Eye Of Madness", written in the first person, portrayed me to be a social outcast from the mainstream of American society. For, it was true that people loved to stare at, "The Eye". People also loved to make fun of, and laugh at, "The Eye". People loved to believe, "The Eye" made me crazy, retarded and or psychotic. In retaliation, the story detailed my decades of madness that originated from both a psychological vindictiveness and a physical fury towards those who caused me great pain.
In 2011, I was preparing a search for a literary agent. This would be the person who would get my book published into the mainstream of American society. Upon its completion, the book was a total of three-hundred eighty-seven pages, with eighteen chapters. But, I made a fatal error.
Only days after the book's completion, the only place I thought I had kept the contents of my book, both safe and saved, crashed. AOL (America Online) daily operations were immediately shut down. This corporation swallowed every image, and every page of my book. I had no recourse. My book, it was just gone. It would take me a good bit of time to recover from this and begin writing again. But, even then, it would be on a much lower scale. I would only write short stories.
But, in January of 2025, there was the potential for a miracle. In preparing to transfer data from an old computer to a new computer, a type-written copy of the complete story of, "The Eye Of Madness" was found. It was never realized that this hunt and pecked copy was safely stored away on that computer. It had been buried deep in those computer files for years.
But, there may be a catch. America Online in 2011 made notification to each account holder that any entries / posts left online would automatically become the property of America Online and or its acquirer(s).
Maybe something for a legal professional one day to handle who has expertise in intellectual properties.
A Tailpiece
From Bradley Chapline
The Author
of the book
"The Eye Of Madness"
I think it would be fair to say that I'm an author by default. I love to write because I do have a wide range of experiences that evoke deep emotions from within me. Couple that with a vivid imagination, and a good solid memory, at least in my younger years, those ingredients surely had the potential of expressing some pretty explosive stories. But, once I have written my thoughts to a plot, and have concluded a story, I never want to edit or reread that material again. I just want to move on to what could be next.
Nothing bores me more than having to edit or smooth out the rough edges of my grammar. On the other side, nothing pisses me off more than to have some highly educated bookworm trying to change my approach, means, manners, and methods to my writing.
If I would ever have a loss in zest for writing, the culprit would most likely be because, I would have to become directly involved in administrative protocols, that are either directional, organizational, clerical, and or secretarial. It appears that day, for me, has arrived.
But, looking back, other than required college and or work related readings, the only book I've ever read, cover to cover, was "All The President's Men". For some reason, that book kept my interest.
I'll certainly never be a person who reads for enjoyment. I would not pay five cents for anything I've written, or that anyone else has had published.
I write in a manner as if I was sitting across the table from you, telling a story. One probably wouldn't criticize the story itself when a few errors in speech are made. Expect the same from the stories I've put both in print and online.
In 2011, I was preparing a search for a literary agent. This would be the person who would get my book published into the mainstream of American society. Upon its completion, the book was a total of three-hundred eighty-seven pages, with eighteen chapters. But, I made a fatal error.
Only days after the book's completion, the only place I thought I had kept the contents of my book, both safe and saved, crashed. AOL (America Online) daily operations were immediately shut down. This corporation swallowed every image, and every page of my book. I had no recourse. My book, it was just gone. It would take me a good bit of time to recover from this and begin writing again. But, even then, it would be on a much lower scale. I would only write short stories.
But, in January of 2025, there was the potential for a miracle. In preparing to transfer data from an old computer to a new computer, a type-written copy of the complete story of, "The Eye Of Madness" was found. It was never realized that this hunt and pecked copy was safely stored away on that computer. It had been buried deep in those computer files for years.
But, there may be a catch. America Online in 2011 made notification to each account holder that any entries / posts left online would automatically become the property of America Online and or its acquirer(s).
Maybe something for a legal professional one day to handle who has expertise in intellectual properties.
A Tailpiece
From Bradley Chapline
The Author
of the book
"The Eye Of Madness"
I think it would be fair to say that I'm an author by default. I love to write because I do have a wide range of experiences that evoke deep emotions from within me. Couple that with a vivid imagination, and a good solid memory, at least in my younger years, those ingredients surely had the potential of expressing some pretty explosive stories. But, once I have written my thoughts to a plot, and have concluded a story, I never want to edit or reread that material again. I just want to move on to what could be next.
Nothing bores me more than having to edit or smooth out the rough edges of my grammar. On the other side, nothing pisses me off more than to have some highly educated bookworm trying to change my approach, means, manners, and methods to my writing.
If I would ever have a loss in zest for writing, the culprit would most likely be because, I would have to become directly involved in administrative protocols, that are either directional, organizational, clerical, and or secretarial. It appears that day, for me, has arrived.
But, looking back, other than required college and or work related readings, the only book I've ever read, cover to cover, was "All The President's Men". For some reason, that book kept my interest.
I'll certainly never be a person who reads for enjoyment. I would not pay five cents for anything I've written, or that anyone else has had published.
I write in a manner as if I was sitting across the table from you, telling a story. One probably wouldn't criticize the story itself when a few errors in speech are made. Expect the same from the stories I've put both in print and online.
The Senior Years
I learned that trying to keep body and soul together in one's elder years with a life limiting illness is certainly, all by itself, unnerving. However, I came to create a fun and healthy activity that would ultimately stabilize hope in not only surviving my terminal respiratory disorder, but, as well, slowing to a crawl, my ever declining lung condition.
Although quite painful in the early stages, treadmill dancing greatly helped in leading my senior years to contentment, optimism, enjoyment, and most importantly, a peace of mind.
I learned that trying to keep body and soul together in one's elder years with a life limiting illness is certainly, all by itself, unnerving. However, I came to create a fun and healthy activity that would ultimately stabilize hope in not only surviving my terminal respiratory disorder, but, as well, slowing to a crawl, my ever declining lung condition.
Although quite painful in the early stages, treadmill dancing greatly helped in leading my senior years to contentment, optimism, enjoyment, and most importantly, a peace of mind.
Through Life's
Wounds And Traumas
Through Life's
Wounds And Traumas
Picture taken Jun 2005
"In my lifetime I have been the fortunate, the daring, the shattered, and the lost."
>B. Chapline<
July 2024
"Criticized by many, commanded by none."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2024
"Any individual who has made their own way through life has a much greater value than those who have followed others."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2023
"I shall not follow the herd, for they are most likely at or near the precipice."
>B. Chapline<
May 1994
>B. Chapline<
July 2024
"Criticized by many, commanded by none."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2024
"Any individual who has made their own way through life has a much greater value than those who have followed others."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2023
"I shall not follow the herd, for they are most likely at or near the precipice."
>B. Chapline<
May 1994
Perry Hall Senior High School
Class Of 1971
Perry Hall Senior High School
Class Of 1971
Concert Choir
Brad - top row - (third in from left to right)
"When my music was taken away from me, so was my ability to love."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2023
Brad - top row - (third in from left to right)
"When my music was taken away from me, so was my ability to love."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2023
rated ***** of ***** stars
Love Lost At The Diamond
rated **** of ***** stars
Papa And Community
Made Sure Denise Never Had A Chance
rated *** of ***** stars
The Booze Cruisers
"Screams from a child are seldom heard."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2023
"The neglect and or abuse of a child will clearly show its consequences to a society."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2021
"In the early 1970's, I had the second worst academic grade point average, ever, in the history of my senior high school. But, in the coming years, I at least equaled my former classmates in academics, while becoming experienced and knowledgeable in the ways of the world."
>B. Chapline<
May 2023
Picture taken Mar 1971
"To fully examine a mistake is the best path to a productive restart."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2023
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2023
The Varied Voices Of Brad
at the
Union Plaza Ballroom
Downtown Las Vegas
at the
Union Plaza Ballroom
Downtown Las Vegas
at the
Stardust Starlight Lounge
on the
Las Vegas Strip
at the
Stardust Starlight Lounge
on the
Las Vegas Strip
"My four albums are unenthusiastically dedicated to all those who attempted to distract, derail, and or reject my ambitions in singing."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
"I keep the music that I love close to my heart so no one can ever make me feel alone."
>B. Chapline<
>Mar 2005<
>B. Chapline<
>Mar 2005<
The United States Marine Corps
Semper Fi - Always Faithful
"The Big Lie"
"The Marine Corps has repeatedly proved just how effective propaganda can be."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2023
rated ***** of ***** stars
Chowder Head
Semper Fi - Always Faithful
"The Big Lie"
"The Marine Corps has repeatedly proved just how effective propaganda can be."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2023
rated ***** of ***** stars
Chowder Head
rated ***** of ***** stars
The Heart Of Hate And Betrayal In Always Faithful
"Too often in life the most trusted leaders become perilous."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2022
The Heart Of Hate And Betrayal In Always Faithful
"Too often in life the most trusted leaders become perilous."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2022
Bradley D. Chapline
United States Marine Corps
Duty Stations
July 1972 - Sep 1972
MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina
Sep 1972 - Oct 1972
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Oct 1972 - Jul 1977
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (5 deployments - 1 extended)
July 1977- July 1983
Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (2 deployments)
Service From:
81mm Mortarman
Maintenance Management Specialist
Commanding General's Aide
Military Marshal
United States Marine Corps
Duty Stations
July 1972 - Sep 1972
MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina
Sep 1972 - Oct 1972
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Oct 1972 - Jul 1977
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (5 deployments - 1 extended)
July 1977- July 1983
Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (2 deployments)
Service From:
81mm Mortarman
Maintenance Management Specialist
Commanding General's Aide
Military Marshal
The Forgotten Three Marines In The Conflict With Cambodia
"When a U.S. Marine dies in-vain, the heartbeat of America should feel assaulted."
>B. Chapline<
July 2020
"Semper Fi'" betrayed them.
Providing machine gun cover fire for helos in getting their fellow Marines out of an extremely hot LZ, Marines LCpl Hargrove, PFC Gary Hall, and PFC Danny Marshall were knowingly left behind in the hands of the enemy,
Koh Tang, Cambodia
Executed by Khmer Rouge forces.
May 1975
"When a U.S. Marine dies in-vain, the heartbeat of America should feel assaulted."
>B. Chapline<
July 2020
"Semper Fi'" betrayed them.
Providing machine gun cover fire for helos in getting their fellow Marines out of an extremely hot LZ, Marines LCpl Hargrove, PFC Gary Hall, and PFC Danny Marshall were knowingly left behind in the hands of the enemy,
Koh Tang, Cambodia
Executed by Khmer Rouge forces.
May 1975
Lance Corporal Joseph Hargrove
Private First Class Gary Hall
Private First Class Danny Marshall
Many 'gung-ho' Marines had the safest jobs."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1980
"When the Marine Corps originally adopted the motto of, 'A Few Good Men', they didn't realize just how literally true that saying would become."
>B. Chapline<
"When military commanders lie, their rank-in-file becomes guided with malfeasance."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
rated **** of ***** stars
Injustice For The Sake Of Justice
rated **** of ***** stars
Safe Passage From An Arab Angel
rated **** of ***** stars
Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)
rated **** of ***** stars
The Camp Fire Girls
rated ***** of ***** stars
Not A Black And White Conviction
rated ***** of ***** stars
Eye Deployed For The Money
rated **** of ***** stars
Mass Murder In The South China Sea
rated ***** of ***** stars
The Alley Girls
rated ***** of ***** stars
On A Mission Of Murder
rated ***** of ***** stars
Just For The One Star
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1980
"When the Marine Corps originally adopted the motto of, 'A Few Good Men', they didn't realize just how literally true that saying would become."
>B. Chapline<
"When military commanders lie, their rank-in-file becomes guided with malfeasance."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
rated **** of ***** stars
Injustice For The Sake Of Justice
rated **** of ***** stars
Safe Passage From An Arab Angel
rated **** of ***** stars
Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)
rated **** of ***** stars
The Camp Fire Girls
rated ***** of ***** stars
Not A Black And White Conviction
rated ***** of ***** stars
Eye Deployed For The Money
rated **** of ***** stars
Mass Murder In The South China Sea
rated ***** of ***** stars
The Alley Girls
rated ***** of ***** stars
On A Mission Of Murder
rated ***** of ***** stars
Just For The One Star
Picture taken Jul 1972
State Of Nevada
Department Of Corrections
Department Of Corrections
Bradley Chapline
Prison Guard / Peace Officer III / Academy Instructor
"State corrections officers came to wear the banners of both state peace officer and prison guard. These rival occupational tags surely did not exist harmoniously in a prison environment. At many junctures and locations, a stronghold of staff corruption exploded both prejudices and divisiveness in our so-called institutions of rehabilitation."
>B. Chapline<
Prison Guard / Peace Officer III / Academy Instructor
"State corrections officers came to wear the banners of both state peace officer and prison guard. These rival occupational tags surely did not exist harmoniously in a prison environment. At many junctures and locations, a stronghold of staff corruption exploded both prejudices and divisiveness in our so-called institutions of rehabilitation."
>B. Chapline<
The Internal Affairs Of Prison
"At times, my most effective tool in resolving many dangerous situations, peacefully, was partnering up with a trained mental health specialist."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2021
rated *** of ***** stars
Academic Cheating Must Be Okay
rated ***** of ***** stars
A Silenced Conspiracy
rated *** of ***** stars
The Toxic Fire
rated **** of ***** stars
The Night A Kidnapper Took Charge Of Me
rated ***** of ***** stars
Threats From Above
"Not making every effort in finding a peaceful solution to a dispute is always a mistake."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2024
To all the corrupt and inept prison guards of whom I've had to fight my way through, you've all never been capable of stirring enough dirt in my career to cloud my true honor of being a legitimate peace officer.
Many of you wanted me to respect your unscrupulous ways and means, but my honor damned it. You attempted to make me fear your power, but you actually steeled my resolve. You wanted to physically tear me apart, but my seams only became stronger.
In retiring in good standing in 2008, this Corrections Officer won the fight against the untrustworthy guards I faced, but, at the same time, Nevada's prisons still remained a hotbed of ineptness and corruption. .
>B. Chapline<
A recent report revealed that Nevada scored a D-minus grade and ranked 42nd among the states in a study of transparency of state governments. Nevada also earned an F-grade in fighting corruption.
Academic Cheating Must Be Okay
rated ***** of ***** stars
A Silenced Conspiracy
rated *** of ***** stars
The Toxic Fire
rated **** of ***** stars
The Night A Kidnapper Took Charge Of Me
rated ***** of ***** stars
Threats From Above
"Not making every effort in finding a peaceful solution to a dispute is always a mistake."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2024
To all the corrupt and inept prison guards of whom I've had to fight my way through, you've all never been capable of stirring enough dirt in my career to cloud my true honor of being a legitimate peace officer.
Many of you wanted me to respect your unscrupulous ways and means, but my honor damned it. You attempted to make me fear your power, but you actually steeled my resolve. You wanted to physically tear me apart, but my seams only became stronger.
In retiring in good standing in 2008, this Corrections Officer won the fight against the untrustworthy guards I faced, but, at the same time, Nevada's prisons still remained a hotbed of ineptness and corruption. .
>B. Chapline<
A recent report revealed that Nevada scored a D-minus grade and ranked 42nd among the states in a study of transparency of state governments. Nevada also earned an F-grade in fighting corruption.
Brad's Past
Who I Once Was
Who I Became
Who I Once Was
Who I Became
Picture taken Feb 2021
"Once all my goodwill had figuratively been beat out of me, no one should have expected my altruisms to return anytime soon."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 1976
>B. Chapline<
Dec 1976
"Most times I saw difficult situations through to the end. It's how I learned to respect myself."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2022
"I have a human heart. Without exception, there is a breaking point."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
Extreme difficulties in both my personal life and my two careers as both a U.S. Marine and a prison guard have given me many opponents, adversaries, and or just outright enemies. Their kindest opinions have branded me as an unhinged madcap individual who was unpredictable and hard-hitting in retaliation.
I say, "Always be very careful with revenge. Tit for tat can easily become lethal."
>B. Chapline<
rated *** of ***** stars
My Gun Is, Ah, All Plugged Up
I admit that I’ve never been a part of any clique or group. I’ve mostly been untrusting of others, especially those who paraded their real or presumed superintendence over others.
I could easily count over my entire life of trusted friends on one hand. But, even those fellowships had stringent limitations. Therefore, a lone wolf marker placed on me could easily be upheld.
It goes without saying that in my earlier years I took lots of risks and chances where the odds were definitely not in my favor. But, I did celebrate those handful of victories. The others, well, I just recovered from, or, I just plain survived those encounters.
Although I've made more than my fair share of poor judgments and mistakes, I still turned out to be a quite reputable man.
While the best part of me has always been my exceptionally harmonious nature with people and animals who were desperate for help, I was right each time I saw them as not having the capabilities of defending themselves. Very much a "soft-spot" with me. At this point, I felt the moral obligation to step in and do their fighting for them. While I won many of those confrontations, I did, however, lose more than a few.
The saddest part has been all my life-long clashes with family. Many times, unjustly labeled and accused, I've had no choice but to fight my way through lengthy battles in rightfully discrediting false characterizations made of me and surfacing the level of rectitude that I deserved.
rated **** of ***** stars
Bitter Blood
So, through all this, and much more, I discovered I was far from invincible. For, I too, am human. Because there are limits as to how much burden and stress I could carry. I've learned this the hard way, twice. But, nevertheless, with virtually no allies, and post traumatic stress lingering, I still found paths to full recovery.
So, when I retired in 2008, I wanted to live a pretty much private life. I would be most happy when staying home and rarely leaving my secured property to go out in public.
Now, I’d be a liar if I didn't say that this long, long journey hasn't provided me with a full life. But, the real truth is, while at times life has been an absolute gift, it has also been a frequent curse.
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2022
"I have a human heart. Without exception, there is a breaking point."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
Extreme difficulties in both my personal life and my two careers as both a U.S. Marine and a prison guard have given me many opponents, adversaries, and or just outright enemies. Their kindest opinions have branded me as an unhinged madcap individual who was unpredictable and hard-hitting in retaliation.
I say, "Always be very careful with revenge. Tit for tat can easily become lethal."
>B. Chapline<
rated *** of ***** stars
My Gun Is, Ah, All Plugged Up
I admit that I’ve never been a part of any clique or group. I’ve mostly been untrusting of others, especially those who paraded their real or presumed superintendence over others.
I could easily count over my entire life of trusted friends on one hand. But, even those fellowships had stringent limitations. Therefore, a lone wolf marker placed on me could easily be upheld.
It goes without saying that in my earlier years I took lots of risks and chances where the odds were definitely not in my favor. But, I did celebrate those handful of victories. The others, well, I just recovered from, or, I just plain survived those encounters.
Although I've made more than my fair share of poor judgments and mistakes, I still turned out to be a quite reputable man.
While the best part of me has always been my exceptionally harmonious nature with people and animals who were desperate for help, I was right each time I saw them as not having the capabilities of defending themselves. Very much a "soft-spot" with me. At this point, I felt the moral obligation to step in and do their fighting for them. While I won many of those confrontations, I did, however, lose more than a few.
The saddest part has been all my life-long clashes with family. Many times, unjustly labeled and accused, I've had no choice but to fight my way through lengthy battles in rightfully discrediting false characterizations made of me and surfacing the level of rectitude that I deserved.
rated **** of ***** stars
Bitter Blood
So, through all this, and much more, I discovered I was far from invincible. For, I too, am human. Because there are limits as to how much burden and stress I could carry. I've learned this the hard way, twice. But, nevertheless, with virtually no allies, and post traumatic stress lingering, I still found paths to full recovery.
So, when I retired in 2008, I wanted to live a pretty much private life. I would be most happy when staying home and rarely leaving my secured property to go out in public.
Now, I’d be a liar if I didn't say that this long, long journey hasn't provided me with a full life. But, the real truth is, while at times life has been an absolute gift, it has also been a frequent curse.
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
America The Not So Beautiful
"Brainwashing works on many people who just cannot think for themselves."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2024
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2024
"At the 2021 Capitol insurrection, a crowd mentality did not make an individual's act of violence permissible."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2021
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2021
"An all or nothing America means our most essential, critical and momentous business cannot be completed."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2023
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2023
"Corruption cannot possibly comply with a democracy and the elements of the U.S. Constitution."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2008
"America should fear its most dangerous enemy; itself."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2021
"When politicians care more about their power in government rather than its people, the common folk are sure to experience severe hardships."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2023
"Now that America has elected a convicted criminal President of the United States, the sanity of its electorate must now be questioned by the powers of Congress."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2008
"America should fear its most dangerous enemy; itself."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2021
"When politicians care more about their power in government rather than its people, the common folk are sure to experience severe hardships."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2023
"Now that America has elected a convicted criminal President of the United States, the sanity of its electorate must now be questioned by the powers of Congress."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
Brad Wholeheartedly
On The Issue Of Guns
In America
On The Issue Of Guns
In America
It is the powers of reasoning that mass shootings in America cannot possibly be brought under control until the explosions of mental sicknesses across our country are set to rights."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
"America has proved itself unworthy in the constitutional right to keep and bear arms."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2003
"In order to save innocent lives, psychotherapy of the mentally ill must be proactive."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
rated *** of ***** stars
Sins Derived From Survival
"It is a sorrowful day in America when our school-aged children are just as likely to die by gunshot as they are by cancer."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
"There is no logical reason why civilian gun owners cannot secure their weapons in their private residence, just as a soldier does in an armory."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2003
"In order to save innocent lives, psychotherapy of the mentally ill must be proactive."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
rated *** of ***** stars
Sins Derived From Survival
"It is a sorrowful day in America when our school-aged children are just as likely to die by gunshot as they are by cancer."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
"There is no logical reason why civilian gun owners cannot secure their weapons in their private residence, just as a soldier does in an armory."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
Brad's Quotes And Elucidations
"Only I choose my enemies."
"When my Marine commanders chose to violate international ethical agreements, I certainly exhibited moral objections."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1975
"A Marine should never fear the personal consequences in disobeying an unlawful order."
"The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) gives military personnel the right to disobey orders that are illegal, unconstitutional, or contrary to the laws of the United States. This is known, but, never advertised, as a duty to disobey."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"Amalagating intelligentsia with dysfunction is the ultimate destruction of a bloodline."
"Hybridizing the Crossleys into the Chapline family brought about substandard breeding where offspring could not possibly measure up to past genetic and behavioral qualities."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2024
rated **** of ***** stars
The Commixture
"African American Vernacular English, otherwise known as Ebonics, certainly has its proper place in Black History. But, it becomes fallacious when used as a replacement for Standard English."
"The official language of the United States is English. No homegrown American should have to grapple in understanding other people's provincialisms."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2024
"No matter your age or where you live, you'll always have to do battle with others in maintaining your rights."
"Republicans have traits of fascism. Democrats have characteristics of socialists. Both wait on their opportunities to eliminate the freedoms that a democracy provides its citizens"
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2023
"Famous discoveries can be made fortuitously."
"Charles Goodyear accidentally discovered vulcanization, a process that strengthens rubber. He spilled a mixture of rubber and sulphur onto a hot stove. Surprisingly, the rubber didn't melt or become sticky. In fact, when he increased the heat, the rubber hardened. Therefore, durable tires were born for the automobile."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"The only war being won is humans killing the Earth."
"Due to climate change, ten percent of all plant and animal species will be gone by the year 2050. Twenty-seven percent of life on Earth will be dead by the end of this century."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"Those who choose to she-bop over a sexual partner save themselves a lot of grief and regrets."
"Currently, sixty-eight million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
"Evil people crave the taking of innocent life."
"Jeffrey Dahmer", "Ted Bundy", "Charles Chitat Ng"
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"There is no greater character builder than telling the brutal truth."
"To be on the up-and-up breeds trustworthyness, and always admitting to fault. Truth-tellers have a moral code that values integrity, fairness, and straightforwardness. Telling the truth also teaches important life lessons."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 1999
"A person who becomes successful might well wear a target on their back."
"Those who were not able to become prosperous often times develop both a bitterness and a retaliatory nature towards those who have succeeded."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"We are at the mercy of those who handle our comestibles."
"Forty-eight million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses each year. This translates to 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths each year."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"The safety of others will always be at risk as long as there are tipplers and hopheads who absorb / ingest mind-altering substances into their powers of comprehension."
"Thirty-seven million Americans are currently using illicit drugs. Sixty-one million Americans have been binge drinking in the past month."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Where there are extremy deep psychological wounds, forgiveness is most likely impossible."
"Should a victim not be able to: (1) acknowledge the pain, (2) to think things through, (3) imagine being on the other side, (4) to let go of the hurt, and or (5) to wish the person well who did the damage, absolution is unworkable."
>B. Chapline<
"There will never be a civil war in a country that treats its people with impartiality."
"America is primed for a second civil war. Our country meets the three major triggers for a homeland war: (1) political polarization, (2) economic disparities, and (3) extreme social and cultural tensions."
> B. Chapline<
Mar 2020
"Republicans take the people's money away, and Democrats give it away."
"Effective August 13, 2024 America's national debt stands at $35.12 trillion."
> B. Chapline<
"Sworn oaths of office and partisan politics should never be interlaced."
Politics, as might be expected, can easily create mythomaniacs. In contrast, declarations of political oaths of office are solemn vows in telling the truth. Therefore, contraventions can and should subject any public servants to severe penalities for perjury."
>B. Chapline<
May 2021
"Cravens cannot hold themselves accountable."
"Cowards have a fear of being exposed as a failure, a bad person, and or a fraud."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
"When my Marine commanders chose to violate international ethical agreements, I certainly exhibited moral objections."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1975
"A Marine should never fear the personal consequences in disobeying an unlawful order."
"The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) gives military personnel the right to disobey orders that are illegal, unconstitutional, or contrary to the laws of the United States. This is known, but, never advertised, as a duty to disobey."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"Amalagating intelligentsia with dysfunction is the ultimate destruction of a bloodline."
"Hybridizing the Crossleys into the Chapline family brought about substandard breeding where offspring could not possibly measure up to past genetic and behavioral qualities."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2024
rated **** of ***** stars
The Commixture
"African American Vernacular English, otherwise known as Ebonics, certainly has its proper place in Black History. But, it becomes fallacious when used as a replacement for Standard English."
"The official language of the United States is English. No homegrown American should have to grapple in understanding other people's provincialisms."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2024
"No matter your age or where you live, you'll always have to do battle with others in maintaining your rights."
"Republicans have traits of fascism. Democrats have characteristics of socialists. Both wait on their opportunities to eliminate the freedoms that a democracy provides its citizens"
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2023
"Famous discoveries can be made fortuitously."
"Charles Goodyear accidentally discovered vulcanization, a process that strengthens rubber. He spilled a mixture of rubber and sulphur onto a hot stove. Surprisingly, the rubber didn't melt or become sticky. In fact, when he increased the heat, the rubber hardened. Therefore, durable tires were born for the automobile."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"The only war being won is humans killing the Earth."
"Due to climate change, ten percent of all plant and animal species will be gone by the year 2050. Twenty-seven percent of life on Earth will be dead by the end of this century."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"Those who choose to she-bop over a sexual partner save themselves a lot of grief and regrets."
"Currently, sixty-eight million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
"Evil people crave the taking of innocent life."
"Jeffrey Dahmer", "Ted Bundy", "Charles Chitat Ng"
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"There is no greater character builder than telling the brutal truth."
"To be on the up-and-up breeds trustworthyness, and always admitting to fault. Truth-tellers have a moral code that values integrity, fairness, and straightforwardness. Telling the truth also teaches important life lessons."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 1999
"A person who becomes successful might well wear a target on their back."
"Those who were not able to become prosperous often times develop both a bitterness and a retaliatory nature towards those who have succeeded."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"We are at the mercy of those who handle our comestibles."
"Forty-eight million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses each year. This translates to 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths each year."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"The safety of others will always be at risk as long as there are tipplers and hopheads who absorb / ingest mind-altering substances into their powers of comprehension."
"Thirty-seven million Americans are currently using illicit drugs. Sixty-one million Americans have been binge drinking in the past month."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Where there are extremy deep psychological wounds, forgiveness is most likely impossible."
"Should a victim not be able to: (1) acknowledge the pain, (2) to think things through, (3) imagine being on the other side, (4) to let go of the hurt, and or (5) to wish the person well who did the damage, absolution is unworkable."
>B. Chapline<
"There will never be a civil war in a country that treats its people with impartiality."
"America is primed for a second civil war. Our country meets the three major triggers for a homeland war: (1) political polarization, (2) economic disparities, and (3) extreme social and cultural tensions."
> B. Chapline<
Mar 2020
"Republicans take the people's money away, and Democrats give it away."
"Effective August 13, 2024 America's national debt stands at $35.12 trillion."
> B. Chapline<
"Sworn oaths of office and partisan politics should never be interlaced."
Politics, as might be expected, can easily create mythomaniacs. In contrast, declarations of political oaths of office are solemn vows in telling the truth. Therefore, contraventions can and should subject any public servants to severe penalities for perjury."
>B. Chapline<
May 2021
"Cravens cannot hold themselves accountable."
"Cowards have a fear of being exposed as a failure, a bad person, and or a fraud."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
Plain Quotes
Plain Quotes
"Be very careful who gets your heart. Doing so puts yourself at a high risk of serious psychological damage. "
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"My most prized possession is my archive of legal documents, certified reports, and recordings. Within this maze of attestations is all the proof I need in writing accusatory story-lines."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2006
"At times, creative writing is the perfect spice in storytelling."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2022
"Self-contemplation is the path to building strong morals and ethics."
>B Chapline<
Jun 2024
"Jealously is just as dangerous as a loaded gun with an itchy trigger finger."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"A man should never ask a woman for help or favors. It's a debt that cannot ever be paid off."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
"You don't need to be highbrowed to advance in life, but, you do need to be judicious."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2024
"Evocation does not guarantee truth."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"Aged cars are known to backfire, just like senior citizens."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2022
"To cheat and still lose is grounds for quitting."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2022
rated *** of ***** stars
Beat The Cheat
"Refuse discounts. They are poor excuses for half-ass work."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
"Even a machine cannot maintain perfection without sustentation".
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2023
"A powerful and clever government administrator can easily cozen unsuspecting staff into corruption."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2021
"Corruption never dies, it just hides out very well after being exposed."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Doing the job that is expected of one never makes the efforts of that individual extraordinary."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"Every person, at a very young age has a life-defining decision to make; become part of a clique and be a pawn, or, stand alone and work to become a reputable person who is fully independent of external influences."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"Physical attraction almost always starts a relationship, but rarely sustains one."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Mixing fantasy with reality will have disasterous results."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2022
"Willpower conquers dependency."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2022
"A product of comfort is never essential."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2024
"Taking the easy way out will always leave you short of your goals."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2024
"Always know you can make anything better."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"Most times, what makes a person feel good won't last long."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"Choose comfort over safety and regrets are sure to emerge."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"Being both right and disputatious never gets old."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2021
"In these twilight years of my life, I was awarded a near perfect reputation score for very good reasons."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2016
"Self-absorption cannot be concealed".
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Not speaking one's mind only fuels internal resentments."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Never allow another to make you disposable."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 1987
"Faith and sexual preferences should be kept private."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2022
"Religion used by the criminal element is many times their perfect cover for immorality."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1969
"There were times some of my worst enemies donned the same uniform as I wore. "
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2004
"No barrier provides absolute protection."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"To place trust in an enemy is self-immolation."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"Never lose sight of the possibility of an ally in disguise."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
"Extremists are incapable of making peace."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"The more I was personally attacked, the stronger my defenses became."
>B. Chapline<
May 2007
"To sacrifice day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year and not be appreciated just describes what many have gone through as a head of household."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
“Don't underestimate those over which you hold influence and domination. For, they will likely at some point learn how best to defeat you.”
>B. Chapline<
"To get the better of an opponent whose hands are tied is not a victory."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"America is proof that the once legal institution of human chattel brought forth a cataclysmic meltdown in our society that can most likely never be resolved."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2023
"Both left and right political extremes eliminate freedoms of choice in America."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"In America, there is a blurred line between the freedom of information and the right to privacy."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"No politician has ever earned my vote."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2022
"America rarely learns its lessons, and is therefore primed to repeat its most consequential errors."
>B. Chapline<
15 May 2021
"Politicians love to take full credit for a strong economy, but, externalize culpability when the economy contracts into a recession."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2021
"Subjugate an underage girl, and their father has the right to blitz their keeper."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2020
"Living in denial is a punishing road to travel."
>B. Chapline<
January 2021
"If you can't learn to take pain during the stripling years, one will definitely detest the process of senescence."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2021
"Had only my physicians doctored as well as they documented."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"I just love it when a criticism turns out to be the best possible compliment."
>B. Chapline<
"When beggars become choosy, they deserve nothing."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Ignore the indexes of calculated risk, and it will leave you dangerously vulnerable."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"The worst possible authority figure is the one who puts their desideratum's ahead of those they are obligated to protect."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"Bullies who like to inflict suffering on others are the ones most often incapable of enduring pain themselves."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 1999
"When a person is hired to do a job solely because of their sexual preference, gender, or the color of their skin, don't expect top quality work."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2021
"The key to the future of either human life or country is, when, if ever, are past transgressions forgiven?"
> B. Chapline<
Mar 2020
Just like family finances, "When a government is consumed in tremendous debt, the system is primed to collapse."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2006
"All public servants and the government agencies that employ them must always be open to public scrutiny."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2006
"When politicians, police officers, doctors, and soldiers no longer fear the consequences in violating their sworn oaths, wrongful deaths are certain to become a recurring problem."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2020
"A body camera in motion is a good cop's best friend, and a bad cop's worst enemy."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2021
"Joining a clique, clan, or coalition of law enforcement officers was not my idea of teamwork."
>B. Chapline<
"In wearing the badge, one has no choice but to wear its reputation."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 1987
"Whether it be a family member, a friend, a colleague, or acquaintances, those who compromise the human rights of another should never be trusted again."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2000
"Come on America, don't ever again endorse torture in any form. For, when we do, freedom is polishing up the detestable images of Nazism."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2011
"It's both sad and scary to see many Americans acting un-American."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2018
"Each time America is involved in acts of ignorance, hate or barbarism, our flag that represents freedom is torn and stained a bit more."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2008
"One who faces the consequences from telling the truth is worthy of reverence."
>B. Chapline<
" A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but, never depend on either one of them."
>B. Chapline<
July 2005
"Propaganda has a shortened lifespan."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2022
"Freedom says, 'We The People', means I can openly give voice to what I believe is wrong with my homeland and how my country can ameliorate its misdeeds."
>B. Chapline<
May 2021
"The trademark of a true democracy is having the power to choose."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"While Americans are busy with rebellious in-fighting, the enemies of democracy are busy strengthening their forces."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"Being compelled by the government to participate in both Social Security and Medicare eliminate important elements of a person's freedom of choice."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2021
"Extreme left and right wings are not good for a democracy."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Nescience camouflaged as culture is a miserable disguise."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
"Should one be proud to be ghetto, no worries, you will always be welcomed at the bottom of a barrel."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
"Paper tigers don't win wars."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2000
"Running away has become a typical American response to fear."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"A pandemic teaches a society what solitude is all about."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2021
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2024
"My most prized possession is my archive of legal documents, certified reports, and recordings. Within this maze of attestations is all the proof I need in writing accusatory story-lines."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2006
"At times, creative writing is the perfect spice in storytelling."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2022
"Self-contemplation is the path to building strong morals and ethics."
>B Chapline<
Jun 2024
"Jealously is just as dangerous as a loaded gun with an itchy trigger finger."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"A man should never ask a woman for help or favors. It's a debt that cannot ever be paid off."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
"You don't need to be highbrowed to advance in life, but, you do need to be judicious."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2024
"Evocation does not guarantee truth."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"Aged cars are known to backfire, just like senior citizens."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2022
"To cheat and still lose is grounds for quitting."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2022
rated *** of ***** stars
Beat The Cheat
"Refuse discounts. They are poor excuses for half-ass work."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2023
"Even a machine cannot maintain perfection without sustentation".
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2023
"A powerful and clever government administrator can easily cozen unsuspecting staff into corruption."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2021
"Corruption never dies, it just hides out very well after being exposed."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Doing the job that is expected of one never makes the efforts of that individual extraordinary."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2022
"Every person, at a very young age has a life-defining decision to make; become part of a clique and be a pawn, or, stand alone and work to become a reputable person who is fully independent of external influences."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"Physical attraction almost always starts a relationship, but rarely sustains one."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
"Mixing fantasy with reality will have disasterous results."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2022
"Willpower conquers dependency."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2022
"A product of comfort is never essential."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2024
"Taking the easy way out will always leave you short of your goals."
>B. Chapline<
Dec 2024
"Always know you can make anything better."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"Most times, what makes a person feel good won't last long."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"Choose comfort over safety and regrets are sure to emerge."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"Being both right and disputatious never gets old."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 2021
"In these twilight years of my life, I was awarded a near perfect reputation score for very good reasons."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2016
"Self-absorption cannot be concealed".
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Not speaking one's mind only fuels internal resentments."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Never allow another to make you disposable."
>B. Chapline<
Jul 1987
"Faith and sexual preferences should be kept private."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2022
"Religion used by the criminal element is many times their perfect cover for immorality."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 1969
"There were times some of my worst enemies donned the same uniform as I wore. "
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2004
"No barrier provides absolute protection."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"To place trust in an enemy is self-immolation."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"Never lose sight of the possibility of an ally in disguise."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
"Extremists are incapable of making peace."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"The more I was personally attacked, the stronger my defenses became."
>B. Chapline<
May 2007
"To sacrifice day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year and not be appreciated just describes what many have gone through as a head of household."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2022
“Don't underestimate those over which you hold influence and domination. For, they will likely at some point learn how best to defeat you.”
>B. Chapline<
"To get the better of an opponent whose hands are tied is not a victory."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"America is proof that the once legal institution of human chattel brought forth a cataclysmic meltdown in our society that can most likely never be resolved."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2023
"Both left and right political extremes eliminate freedoms of choice in America."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"In America, there is a blurred line between the freedom of information and the right to privacy."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"No politician has ever earned my vote."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2022
"America rarely learns its lessons, and is therefore primed to repeat its most consequential errors."
>B. Chapline<
15 May 2021
"Politicians love to take full credit for a strong economy, but, externalize culpability when the economy contracts into a recession."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2021
"Subjugate an underage girl, and their father has the right to blitz their keeper."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2020
"Living in denial is a punishing road to travel."
>B. Chapline<
January 2021
"If you can't learn to take pain during the stripling years, one will definitely detest the process of senescence."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2021
"Had only my physicians doctored as well as they documented."
>B. Chapline<
May 2022
"I just love it when a criticism turns out to be the best possible compliment."
>B. Chapline<
"When beggars become choosy, they deserve nothing."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Ignore the indexes of calculated risk, and it will leave you dangerously vulnerable."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"The worst possible authority figure is the one who puts their desideratum's ahead of those they are obligated to protect."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"Bullies who like to inflict suffering on others are the ones most often incapable of enduring pain themselves."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 1999
"When a person is hired to do a job solely because of their sexual preference, gender, or the color of their skin, don't expect top quality work."
>B. Chapline<
Apr 2021
"The key to the future of either human life or country is, when, if ever, are past transgressions forgiven?"
> B. Chapline<
Mar 2020
Just like family finances, "When a government is consumed in tremendous debt, the system is primed to collapse."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2006
"All public servants and the government agencies that employ them must always be open to public scrutiny."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2006
"When politicians, police officers, doctors, and soldiers no longer fear the consequences in violating their sworn oaths, wrongful deaths are certain to become a recurring problem."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2020
"A body camera in motion is a good cop's best friend, and a bad cop's worst enemy."
>B. Chapline<
Jun 2021
"Joining a clique, clan, or coalition of law enforcement officers was not my idea of teamwork."
>B. Chapline<
"In wearing the badge, one has no choice but to wear its reputation."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 1987
"Whether it be a family member, a friend, a colleague, or acquaintances, those who compromise the human rights of another should never be trusted again."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2000
"Come on America, don't ever again endorse torture in any form. For, when we do, freedom is polishing up the detestable images of Nazism."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2011
"It's both sad and scary to see many Americans acting un-American."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2018
"Each time America is involved in acts of ignorance, hate or barbarism, our flag that represents freedom is torn and stained a bit more."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2008
"One who faces the consequences from telling the truth is worthy of reverence."
>B. Chapline<
" A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but, never depend on either one of them."
>B. Chapline<
July 2005
"Propaganda has a shortened lifespan."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2022
"Freedom says, 'We The People', means I can openly give voice to what I believe is wrong with my homeland and how my country can ameliorate its misdeeds."
>B. Chapline<
May 2021
"The trademark of a true democracy is having the power to choose."
>B. Chapline<
Nov 2021
"While Americans are busy with rebellious in-fighting, the enemies of democracy are busy strengthening their forces."
>B. Chapline<
Aug 2022
"Being compelled by the government to participate in both Social Security and Medicare eliminate important elements of a person's freedom of choice."
>B. Chapline<
Oct 2021
"Extreme left and right wings are not good for a democracy."
>B. Chapline<
July 2021
"Nescience camouflaged as culture is a miserable disguise."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
"Should one be proud to be ghetto, no worries, you will always be welcomed at the bottom of a barrel."
>B. Chapline<
Mar 2022
"Paper tigers don't win wars."
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2000
"Running away has become a typical American response to fear."
>B. Chapline<
Sep 2021
"A pandemic teaches a society what solitude is all about."
>B. Chapline<
Feb 2021
Safe Breathing ?
"There are more viruses on planet Earth than stars in the universe."
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
"The only thing stronger than a nuclear bomb detonating, is the effects of global warming.
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
>B. Chapline<
July 2022
"The only thing stronger than a nuclear bomb detonating, is the effects of global warming.
>B. Chapline<
Jan 2025
Since 1981
Since 1981
Site Owners
Bradley Chapline
Michele Chapline
(This site, bradleychapline.com is not for profit.
Other than pictures of family members, all other still and moving images are not the property of bradleychapine.com
(All background music on bradleychapline.com have been legally purchased from authorized retailers. All lead vocals on bradleychapline.com are solely that of Bradley Chapline
I, Bradley D. Chapline and Michele Chapline are the co-owners and only authorized managers of this site. Upon our passing, bradleychapline.com is to become the property of our son, Nicholas B. Chapline
This certification takes effect on 20 January 2025 and supercedes any and all other previous declarations.
This is the final declaration.
Bradley D. Chapline
Bradley Chapline
Michele Chapline
(This site, bradleychapline.com is not for profit.
Other than pictures of family members, all other still and moving images are not the property of bradleychapine.com
(All background music on bradleychapline.com have been legally purchased from authorized retailers. All lead vocals on bradleychapline.com are solely that of Bradley Chapline
I, Bradley D. Chapline and Michele Chapline are the co-owners and only authorized managers of this site. Upon our passing, bradleychapline.com is to become the property of our son, Nicholas B. Chapline
This certification takes effect on 20 January 2025 and supercedes any and all other previous declarations.
This is the final declaration.
Bradley D. Chapline